Morten Minothi Kristiansen (NOR): electronics
Reza Khota (RSA): electric guitar
Beat Keller (CH): feedbacker electric guitar
Unstable beats and feedback guitar. A lo fi and far left dynamic improv project with South African guitarist Reza Khota, Swiss guitarist Beat Keller and Norwegian noiser Morten Minothi Kristiansen. The trio was brought together by Edge of Wrong and formed in 2013 after a recording session in Oslo, Norway in Christian Blandhoels Tiny Recording Studio. The recording was released on cassette the following year on the Belgian label Silken Tofu. This release features two of Christian Blandhoels inventive guitar feedbacker mods and a vintage malfunctioning drum machine.
MORTEN MINOTHI KRISTIANSEN His raging teens marked the start of a love affair with soothing folk and church music, ultimately leading to an everlasting search through all music and art he came across. His musical work is now focused towards experimental sounds and noise. He’s also part of the experimental noise/rock outfit Bitch Split Panic, noise duo Golden Retriever and the founder of the EDGE OF WRONG festival for exploratory music and art, taking place in Norway and South Africa.
REZA KHOTA was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he studied classical guitar at the Wits University. From an early age he has practiced improvisation and listened closely to the recordings of Miles Davis and all those who worked with him. He has played with just about every important jazz musician in
South Africa and also on many major festivals. Other projects include the Reza Khota Quartet featuring Buddy Wells, Shane Cooper and Jonno Sweetman.
Reza has matured into a guitarist with a distinct voice. Viewing the guitar as a miniature orchestra, he performs with an unconventional musicality and technical facility that recalls the rich history of the instrument. He is equally comfortable performing composed and improvised music.
BEAT KELLER is a Swiss guitarist, multi-instrumentalist and composer, who studied at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Zürich and the Musikhochschule in Luzern. Among his current projects are Keller’s 10, Beat Keller & Reza Khota (CH/ SA, guitar duo), The Cape Town Punk Jazz Arkestra Mislead by Beat Keller and the Peckinpah Trio (CH/USA).